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Fees and Rewards

HTSE Exam Fee, Certificate + Gift and Further Directions: -

HTSE Rewards

  1. The winners will be announced at the state level as follows:

  2. State Level Winners
    Details Quantity
    Classes 5th to 12th
    State level and Group wise winners 4
    Total Winners and Prizes 20

    The following awards will be given to the state level winners:

    State Level Awards Standard (5th to 12th) Group A
    (5th and 6th)
    Group B
    (7th and 8th)
    Group C
    (9th and 10th)
    Group D
    (11th and 12th)
    First Rank 5100 5100 5100 5100
    Second Rank 4100 4100 4100 4100
    Third Rank 3100 3100 3100 3100
    Fourth Rank 2100 2100 2100 2100
    Fifth Rank 1100 1100 1100 1100

  3. Prizes will be awarded to the District Winners as follows:

  4. District Level Winners
    Details Quantity
    Classes 5th to 12th
    District 22
    District wise and Group wise winners 3
    Total Winners and Prizes 264

    The following prizes will be given to the district level winners:

    District Level Awards Standard (5th to 12th) Group A
    (5th and 6th)
    Group B
    (7th and 8th)
    Group C
    (9th and 10th)
    Group D
    (11th and 12th)
    First Rank 500 500 500 500
    Second Rank 300 300 300 300
    Third Rank 200 200 200 200

    • The names of the winners at the state level will not be considered again at the district level.
    • One student will be eligible for only one prize.
    • A consolidated list of students from all medium will be created and the winners will be announced.
    • For HTSE Results and Prize Winners List Click Here

    Criteria for choosing a winner:

    • The state and district level winners will be selected on the basis of the marks they have scored, the questions they have solved, the correct questions solved for the subject, the difficulty level of the questions, the minimum marks required to pass.
    • We have considered students with minimum 40 and above marks for district and state awardee selection.
    • Students who get the same scores at all these levels will be selected pre-defined tie breaker rule.